Knowledge is Power! These are among the best newsletters
for improving your website and your business. I suggest you check them out and maybe even subscribe to one or two.
If you are in business today, chances are you have a
website. If you do not, you really need to examine why.
The most common reasons I hear, as a veteran web consultant,
1) I
can't afford it
2) I
don't think I need one
3) I
am know I need one, but I don't know where to start
4) I
had one, but it failed and I gave it up
All of these excuses stem from not knowing how to be
successful on the Internet. What's the first step to success? Knowledge! You,
as a business owner, sales person or other professional, need to learn what you
can about the Internet, how it works and how to market through it, in a
cost-efficient way. It's not about only free marketing, but strategic use of the Internet as a part
of your business success plan.
If you wish to improve your website's return on investment,
and add to your bottom line, it is possible to learn from established and
credible sources, most of the time for free. Well, at the very least it would
cost you is your email address.
If you want to receive solid business information to make
you more competitive and profitable, I suggest you subscribe to the following
Peter Stoermer's Top
5 Web Business Newsletters
#1 Sitepoint Tribune:
– It's geared for web professionals, so it's really meant for advanced Internet
business practitioners
#2 Clickz: If you are a marketing
professional, you need to subscribe to all of their newsletters. Great daily
and weekly commentaries on a variety of marketing subjects
#3 Larry Chase's Web
Digest for Marketers:
Again, a great resource for the marketing professional (even if you are a
one-man show, you need to be a marketing professional, these days). Larry has a
great directory of resources for a variety of information.
#4 Marketing Profs:
This is a paid subscription website. It has a lot of really good, practical
information on marketing and strategic planning on many levels. For dedicated
marketing professionals as well as business owners and other
"wearer-of-many-hats" in the world these days.
#5 Web Marketing
Today: Produced by
This is a great weekly read for the small-business owner. Lots of practical
information for a variety of website issues, from planning to marketing to
ecommerce. There is also a subscription service, which includes many extra
offers and exclusive content.
If want to find more resources to help you grow your
business, please check out Total
Hosting's Web Link Directory here:,com_mtree/
I hope you find these resources helpful in growing your
business and understanding how to integrate the Internet to your advantage.
Please feel free to write me and suggest your favorites.
If you have any questions on how to grow your business,
please feel free to contact me at
Your question could be part of the next article we do.
the Author – Peter
Stoermer is a 12-year Internet Marketing and Design Veteran, based in Manalapan, NJ.
He co-founded Total Hosting, a leading Long Island, NY-based web hosting and
website development company, in 1998. Total Hosting are members of the Eastern
Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce. Peter is the designer of, along with many other popular local NY and NJ business
and organizational websites . He can be reached at to learn more about
Total Hosting's business-oriented solutions and services.